
Find details about Poland's commitments to and implementation of beneficial ownership transparency reforms

Records last updated: 18 October 2024

Committed to one or more

  • Live register
    Following the launch of one or more beneficial ownership registers, a country is labelled as Live register.
Data on the Open Ownership map is drawn from publicly-available sources and may not be comprehensive for all countries. For countries marked in grey we do not have information. If data is incorrect, or to submit new data, please fill in this form.

Implementation details

Centralny Rejestr Beneficjentów Rzeczywistych (Central Register of Beneficial Owners, CRBO)

Centralny Rejestr Beneficjentów Rzeczywistych (Central Register of Beneficial Owners, CRBO)
Register launched
Threshold used to determine beneficial ownership
Structured data publicly available
Published as BODS
Available via API

Commitment details

Show further detail
  • As a European Union member, Poland was obliged to create a central register of beneficial ownership as part of the EU’s fourth Anti-Money Laundering Directive by 2017. [20 May 2015] link to commitment
  • As a European Union member, Poland was obliged to create a central, public register of beneficial ownership as part of the EU’s fifth Anti-Money Laundering Directive. Following the judgement of the Court of Justice of the European Union on 22 November 2022, member states are no longer required to provide public access, and are instead required to, at a minimum, provide access to those that can demonstrate a legitimate interest. [19 April 2018] link to commitment