Open Ownership Tech Showcase Webinar #2

Following on from the success of our first event, we’re hosting another webinar to share updates and learning from people working on digital transparency tools related to company ownership and control. The event will take place online, via Zoom, starting at 2pm BST.
Steve Bowen - Head of platform engineering - UK Companies House
Steve will be talking about Companies House’ cloud hosting journey to date and the lessons they’ve learnt along the way. Companies House are responsible for the UK’s company and beneficial ownership registers.
Antoine Karam - Officer-in-Charge, Software Products for Member States - UNODC
Antoine will be discussing UNODC’s goAML anti-money laundering system - a fully integrated software solution developed specifically for use by Financial Intelligence Units (FIU’s) and is one of UNODC’s strategic responses to financial crime, including money-laundering and terrorist financing
Peter Niebling - Chief Consultant - Denmark CVR
Peter will talk about the development of Denmark’s Centrale Virksomhedsregister, the company and beneficial ownership register.
Catherine Greene & Noel Alonso-Murray - Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative & Directorio Legislativo
Catherine and Noel will talk about their work for the recent IMF Anti-Corruption challenge, finding corruption risks by linking financial asset disclosures to beneficial ownership and contracts in the extractives sector.
Xue Tan & Burcu Mentesoglu Tuncer - Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation
Xue and Burcu will provide a brief introduction to the Global LEI System, how legal entity relationship data is collected via LEI, and how the LEI can be used within AML/KYC processes.
The session will end with space for Q&A, community notices, and informal networking break-outs. As with the first session, this will take place in English and will be recorded. We’ll make the recording available later for those who can’t make it in person.
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