Calling all businesses! Help us test the world's first register of global beneficial ownership

Open Ownership is building the world’s first open Global Beneficial Ownership Register which will serve as an authoritative source of data about who owns and controls companies, for the benefit of all.
Why? Transparency around corporate control and ownership is not just essential to tackling corruption, but also as a foundation for business integrity, helping society and business to thrive.
A beta version of the Register is currently in development, with a launch projected in March 2017.
We’re looking for businesses to help us test the Open Ownership beta in March 2017 by uploading company beneficial ownership data to the Register and providing feedback on the process and how the register helps meet business needs.
Why you should get involved today
For business, contributing to the development of Open Ownership means positioning your company as a leader in transparency. Unilever and Natura Cosmeticos have led the way publishing beneficial ownership information in open data and leading companies Hikma Pharmaceuticals, BHP Billiton and BMO Capital Markets are supporting the development of Open Ownership, leading by example and building trust and credibility within their constituencies in the process.
Are you a leader in business? Join them.
The business benefits of ownership transparency are clear. The Open Ownership Register will be a tool for business to:
- better vet prospective partners, clients or suppliers
- use data to enhance due diligence and manage risk exposure
- build trust with partners, clients and suppliers by demonstrating business transparency and
- position themselves as a socially responsible business.
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Open Ownership Register