Agustina De Luca

Portrait of Agustina De Luca

Community Engagement Manager

Buenos Aires, Argentina

[email protected]

Agustina is Open Ownership’s Community Engagement Manager. She supports people and organisations to use beneficial ownership data to bring about social and economic benefits, particularly for improved natural resource management. This includes community building, data engagement and development of technical tools for impactful data use.

Prior to joining OO, Agustina worked for almost 8 years in the Argentinean civil society organisation ‘Directorio Legislativo’ (Legislative Directory), leading diverse advocacy campaigns and policy work in Latin America. She was then appointed Network Director of Open Data Charter, working to strengthen a global community of open data advocates.

Based in Buenos Aires, Argentina, she holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and a Masters in Public Administration. Agustina acts as an external advisor to Argentina’s House of Deputies on parliamentary openness and innovation, and in her spare time she loves travelling and playing hockey.