Who is Behind Clean Energy’s Big Names? IACC Session Report

  • Publication date: 20 December 2022
  • Author: Open Ownership

Thematic focus and purpose of the session

IACC 2022

Session Report: Who is Behind Clean Energy’s Big Names?

Moderator: Louise Russell-Prywata, Head of Policy and Advocacy, Open Ownership

Panellists: Jennifer Lewis, Tobias Musonda, Marie Gay Ordenes, Tim Robinson, Tetiana Shevchuk, Matthieu Solomon

Rapporteur: Alanna Markle, Policy and Research Associate, Open Ownership

This session, organised by the Opening Extractives programme, took a deep dive into the important role that beneficial ownership transparency (BOT) can play in supporting a just energy transition. Corruption risks surround both the oil and gas sectors as economies transition away from fossil fuels, as well as the mining sector as demand multiplies for the critical minerals upon which clean energy technologies rely. BOT is a promising and concrete tool that can be deployed in the development of clean energy, for example, to ensure transparency along supply chains and accountability in climate finance. This panel considered the case for BOT to help ensure a just transition and identified relevant lessons learned from the extractives sector.

Next page: Summary of panellists’ contributions and discussion points