Open Ownership’s partnership with the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation
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Publication type
Beneficial Ownership Data Standard,
BODS showcase
Legal Entity Identifiers (LEIs) for more than 160,000 companies have been added to Open Ownership (OO) datasets, enabling greater connectivity between international beneficial ownership (BO) and corporate ownership datasets
Aims of project
- The goal of the collaboration is to promote greater transparency in corporate ownership and control in support of safer, faster, and more efficient payment activities globally and a more secure financial landscape. It does this by enhancing the usability of BO data, by allowing OO’s database to be mapped more easily to other datasets globally through use of the LEI, in addition to OpenCorporate IDs and national business identifiers already contained within the database.
- Showcase how to combine high-quality legal and BO data.
- Build on OO’s reliable identifiers guidance by adding LEIs alongside OpenCorporates IDs as global identifiers in OO’s Beneficial Ownership Data Standard (BODS) datasets.
Delivered in partnership with
An OO Register developer and members of GLEIF’s data quality team.