Внедрение принципов прозрачности бенефициарной собственности в добывающих отраслях Кыргызской Республики. Предварительные выводы и рекомендации
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Опираясь на вышеприведенные выводы и рекомендации, OpenOwnership будет работать с ГКПЭН следующим образом:
Action | Indicative timeline |
Technical specification drafted for creating software system that is compliant with Beneficial Ownership Data Standard | March 2019 |
Regulations governing beneficial ownership disclosure approved by Government of Kyrgyz Republic | Target: April 2019 |
Submission form and process finalized and agreed with companies | May 2019 |
Specification for database and online portal developed and commissioning process begun | May 2019 |
Software development of database and online tools is commissioned | June 2019 |
SCIESU conducts awareness raising with companies | July - August 2019 |
Software to enable collection and publication of information is completed | September 2019 |
Collection and processing of beneficial ownership information by SCIESU is tested with Open Ownership support | September 2019 |
Publication of beneficial ownership information is made public | November 2019 |
Exports of data in BODS format to Open Ownership Register commence | November 2019 |
Feedback and iteration on BODS format export | November 2019 onwards |
Review and commence monitoring of impact | January 2020 |